
Showing posts with the label Dreams

We Hate To Depart, A Winter Night's Dreams is On Sell.

Get a discount price on this book at . Or, You can still buy it in a different store. Click here and get a copy at 20% discount pric e, and read a twist turning pages with ease, starting from April 22th to July 21st, 2022. Get your free copy now. Your free coupon code is PB39H. Enjoy your free bonanza with ease till July 21th, 2022.

We Hate to Depart: A Winter Night's Dreams series#2 is live online.

Many have forgotten how they started their life, and no one cares to ask: where, when, why, etc. If you ask someone about their life, they can only remember a few stories to tell their family members or friends. Upon what happened within their neighborhood, in every second, every minute, and every hour, it is hard for them to notice what is going on in the area. Because there are less concerned about their lives, the lives of their husband, the lives of their kids, even their friends and what have you. For such reasons, Freda Gray, an educationist, who lives in Edmond  County, forgot how she adopted her son, Edmond Gray from the hands of Queen Brightena; took less of how to secure his life at Castle beach. She allowed a mysterious Princess, Princess Jennifer Nicholas Easton Winton to kidnap her son to Saint Virgin Island without her conscience. As a mother, a father, or a guardian, who takes care of a child;  you need a copy to put into your book shave  and read it